I don't know about being a good writer, nor being the next Hemmingway. I just know I have a tale to tell. I am upset with the level of efficiency within the VA. and the folks who fail to perform their duties, and to fulfill their obligations to Veterans, who serve and protect our Citizens on a daily basis, or whom have served in that capacity.
I am neither brave, nor am I courageous, in what I have been doing or in anything I have ever done in life. I just don't want anyone to suffer the impact of being put in the situations I have been in... I don't want anyone to have to search out help, that is currently not available through the Veteran's Administration, nor do I wish to have anyone suffer the disappointments of being turned away from an agency that was designed to help Veterans, whom have served their country.
If you are trying to decide on whether or not to file a claim, through the Veteran's Administration, you are in fact heading down a long and arduous path. Especially on a claim for PTSD and/or PTSD related to Military Sexual Assault. here are some things you will want to have with you, when you begin your claim.
This information was found at the website located at:
The VA has also relaxed the evidentiary
requirements necessary to validate a claim. Claims-rating specialists now look
for “markers” that indicate a specified traumatic event. These can include:
- Records from law enforcement authorities, rape crisis centers, mental health counseling centers, hospitals or physicians
- Relationship issues, such as divorce
- Pregnancy tests or tests for sexually transmitted diseases
- Statements from family members, roommates, fellow service members, clergy members or counselors
- Requests for transfer to another military duty assignment
- Deterioration in work performance
- Substance abuse
- Episodes of depression, panic attacks or anxiety without an identifiable cause
- Unexplained economic or social behavioral changes
- Sexual dysfunction.
Now, these are the basics of what I am hearing, that is required for a good chance of approval on your claim(s).. However, who knows how long or how much of a standard this will be and for how long it will or will not be the standard..
According to the website, cited above, the Veterans Affairs is supposed to be relaxing the burden of proof, required to prove MST and related PSTD, suffered by Veterans.. However, the site suggests that reviews of previously declined claims, can be reviewed for approval, under the supposedly new guidelines.
A Friend of mine stated something to me, in passing, that I should submit a statement. The fact is; is that the statement she suggested, was very true and a matter of fact.
"I have no issues with family members, as I have no family members." This not only will work with Friends, as well as with family members. It is funny, that only someone who has suffered as I have, by means of my own Assault, but also the PTSD which had been carried in silence for over 30 years.
Recently, however, I can start to say that is slowly changing into a more positive outlook. Since my breaking my silence and seeking help, I have realized that connections with others are slowly coming about. And I am beginning to be thankful for the issues, which come along with those connections.
Now, I know the Veteran's Affairs and Mental Health programs, not to forget the medical programs, are lacking to say the least. However, if that is all you have; Utilize that and get your claims started. Most importantly, get someone on your side and take a stand for what is rightfully yours; Your Life and Happiness.
I am slowly coming to know that the attack that took so much from me, is and was not my fault. There was nothing I could do, to prevent it or to thwart it. It was in the hands of others, not mine. Well surviving the attack also is in your hands, but will require a huge amount of assistance which is outside of your hands. If you decide to go to the Veterans Administration for assistance, and I strongly suggest doing so, you will probably want to seek out a Veteran's Claims Specialist, through your local American Legion, or through the VA clinic's in your area. They will be most valuable in packaging your claim, for submission, as they know the guidelines of what is expected through the VA claim processes.
It is neither my fault that the attack on my person occurred. Nor was the attack within my hands. It was at the hands of others whom I have no control over. With that being said, I must also say that Recovery, or moving from victim to Survivor, is in your hands and others whom are being supportive in the right and proper manner and in the proper settings.
I pray for your recovery and for your finding your new life, being all you ever hoped for. I also pray for your regaining your self-respect and self identity, which you can be proud of.
There is help out there for anyone whom can just swallow their pride, pull up their sleeves, and just muster the courage to ask for help.. Believe me, I never asked for help and always tried to tackle life on my own, with out ever knowing how to ask. But when I did finally ask for help, I was surprised on who all came to my aide.
Good Luck and Bless..